Thursday, April 12, 2007

If you want to vote for Sanjaya on American Idol, someone just made it easier

The Sanjaya War Dialer is an application that will automatically vote for Sanjaya on any computer with a modem hooked up. It can vote 720 times during the 2-hour voting period.

Hate him or love him, he sucks.

Download via Cnet

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Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Welcome. Quick overview of what may or may not appear on this blog: The usual interesting links from around the web, DIY projects, recommendations, reviews, personal stuff, music, time-wasting, time-saving, and possibly even MORE. I'll post not just the latest, 0-sec news and web crap, but also classics in case you missed them, such as the must-see Moskau video by Dschinghis Khan which in turn leads to the educational Boney M disco classic "Rasputin" (from wfmu's Beware of the Blog). You know, that kind of stuff.